Naming Conventions

Matrix Names

Matrix names stored either as intermediate or final data will have the following naming conventions:

  • Data Type (dtype)
    • DLT – Daily trips (Logsum)
    • LSM – Logsum utility (Logsum)
    • AMT – AM trips (Logsum)
    • MDT – Midday trips (Logsum)
    • PMT – PM trips (Logsum)
    • AMM – AM time (ROH)
    • MDM – Midday time (ROH)
    • PMM – PM constant (ROH)
    • AMC – AM constant (ROH)
    • MDC – Midday constant (ROH)
    • PMC – PM constant (ROH)
  • Purpose
    • HWRK – Home-based work
    • HUNI – Home-based university
    • HSCH – Home-based school
    • HSHP – Home-based shopping
    • HPBS – Home-based personal business
    • HSOC – Home-based social
    • HESC – Home-based escort
    • NWRK – Non-home-based work
    • NOTH – Non-home-based other
  • Income
    • I1 – low
    • I2 – medium
    • I3 – high
    • I9 – all
  • Auto Ownership
    • A0 – no car
    • A1 – 1 car
    • A2 – 2 cars
    • A9 – all
  • Mode
    • SOV – single occupancy vehicle
    • HOV – high occupancy vehicle
    • BUS – bus
    • RAL – rail
    • WCE – West Coast Express
    • LGV – light truck
    • HGV – heavy truck

This is an example for daily trip for home-based work, low income and 1-car household:

Matrix Names